Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Are members of your family obese? Do you look at them and say to yourself, “my family’s overweight and I’ll be overweight too?” It doesn’t have to be that way. You can break the curse, you can change the way your body retains fat and burns fat. Sure, certain body types are prone to fatty deposits and body shapes. But, you can overcome it.
I will give you a simpler way out. Why not invest in a pedometer and tie it to your feet? With this you will know how many steps you have really walked towards your healthy weight loss goal. Initially you will notice that on an average you take about 2500 steps a day. Gradually add another 2500 to maintain your current weight, but if you really aim to lose some weight then why not add the same amount again? This will help you ward off some excess pounds. Do you know the amount of time you will have to spare for yourself? Just 45 minutes if you wish to finish all the 7500-8000 steps at one go. The other alternative is simple you can start parking your car at a distance and walk the remaining distance. Make minimum use of the phone in the office, you can rather choose to walk up to the person and have a word with him or her. This will serve three goals, the first goal being your work will in all probabilities get done faster. The second, you will walk a few steps towards your 'weight loss fast' goal and the third you will get a break from monotony, which is probably hampering your work. Most people do not continue with exercise, and by so doing, their fat will be retained.
you can eat your food and still lose your weight. It’s a revolutionary new diet to lose weight. You can eat what ever you like and still burn your fat; it’s an interesting stuff for those that love eating.
Our face determines our look, it is the most important part of the body to care for, because, it is our reflection.
Some people have average body or slim body types but, have fat cheek or double chin. And they feel embarrassed and uncomfortable when they are smiling. By taking part in “face fitness” It will transform your fat face into sexy and younger looking.
Some places in our body receive excess fat, like our faces, belly, booth, hip etc…
The part we mostly focus on is the face, the belly and the general body.
Belly fat does not give fitting in dressing. it does not enable flexibility.
There is a coaching program on belly fat. “six pack abs”, it is a very good curse, it help you out in a very short period of time.
After reading all the tips in the link, I am sure the question of how to get rid of face fat, belly fat and body fat. It will no longer be a worry to you anymore.


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